00 Welcome to Got Sheet!

Weekly spreadsheet tips start now!


Welcome to the inaugural issue of Got Sheet! 👋

This is a newsletter about spreadsheets and coding. We’ll focus a lot on Google Sheets.

And we’ll be hyper focused on making you more productive using spreadsheets!

I’m committed to a few things:

  1. Helping you get awesome at spreadsheets

  2. Concise, clear writing

  3. Regular weekly issues

hello there

Thanks for reading, and please forward this to anyone who would benefit from getting better at spreadsheets!

Thank you so much!

It means a lot that you’ve read this, and I hope it’s informed and/or entertained you for a few moments today!

Would love to say hi. Here are the best places to find me:

✉️ LinkedIn
📺️ YouTube

Ways I can help:

  • View my spreadsheet and creative products on my Gumroad store.

  • Need a powerful automation tool for Google Sheets? Try Coefficient to automatically import data and sync with your business systems.

  • Hire an expert to help complete your next Google Sheets, Apps Script or Google Workplace project.


or to participate.