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Something Fun From My Son
Pixel Art in Excel...

In today’s email:
A fun project inspired by my son
An overview of the Apps Script that powers it
A preview of the nitty-gritty image generating code
What year was the first spreadsheet invented? |

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Video walkthrough:
My oldest son loves coloring pixel art grids. There are a bunch of these available online, but we’ve gone through most of the interesting ones.
Nothing says Spreadsheet Project like a grid of squares, so I figured I could make him a generator that would spit out a color by number grid based on an image we upload.
And yes, that’s exactly what we’ve done!
🤔Let me know if you’re interested in the more complicated coding behind getting the image into Excel as background colors. I’ll do another write-up on that next time if so.
VBA vs Apps Script
As with most good things in life, you can do all of this in either Excel or Google Sheets.
I'll walk through the Sheets version here, but I'll give you the VBA down at the bottom too...
Here’s the Google Sheet that you can copy and play with.
Apps Script Color by Number Generator
You can follow along in the Apps Script file if you make a copy of the template.
All we’re doing is looping through each cell in a 30×30 grid, seeing what the background color is and then writing a number corresponding to that color in a new sheet.

I used this little dinosaur that my youngest son will enjoy coloring for the example.
In the first part of our Apps Script, we set our constants for the sheets we’ll use, the background colors and the color index:
function colorByNumber() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sourceSheet = ss.getSheetByName('art'); // First sheet with pixel art
const targetSheet = ss.insertSheet('Color by Number Grid'); // New sheet for output
const range = sourceSheet.getRange('A1:AN30'); // Pixel art range
const values = range.getValues();
const backgrounds = range.getBackgrounds();
const colorDict = {}; // Dictionary to map colors to numbers
let colorIndex = 1; // Start numbering colors from 1
Then, we’ll loop through the 30×30 range and map the colors into our color dictionary:
// Loop through the range and map colors
for (let row = 0; row < backgrounds.length; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < backgrounds[row].length; col++) {
const bgColor = backgrounds[row][col]; // Get the background color
if (bgColor !== '#ffffff' && bgColor !== '#000000' && bgColor !== '') { // Ignore white/black/empty
if (!colorDict[bgColor]) {
colorDict[bgColor] = colorIndex; // Assign a new number to the color
We’ll write the numbers into our new sheet:
// Write the "Color by Number" grid
for (let row = 0; row < backgrounds.length; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < backgrounds[row].length; col++) {
const bgColor = backgrounds[row][col];
if (colorDict[bgColor]) {
targetSheet.getRange(row + 1, col + 1).setValue(colorDict[bgColor]); // Set the number
And finally, we’ll write a color legend so the kids know which colors to actually color. At the end of the function, we’ll display an alert that the grid was successfully created:
// Write the color mapping
let legendRow = 1;
targetSheet.getRange(1, backgrounds[0].length + 2).setValue('Color Mapping');
for (const [color, number] of Object.entries(colorDict)) {
targetSheet.getRange(legendRow + 1, backgrounds[0].length + 1).setBackground(color); // Set color
targetSheet.getRange(legendRow + 1, backgrounds[0].length + 2).setValue(number); // Set number
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('Color by Number grid created successfully!');
Some tweaking remains to be done, but I was very excited to get this working prototype up and running.

Are you interested in seeing how I generated the original pixel background colors from an image into Excel?
Reply to this and let me know!
The VBA Script:
Sub ColorByNumber()
Dim ws As Worksheet, newWs As Worksheet
Dim cell As Range, rng As Range
Dim colorDict As Object
Dim colorIndex As Long
Dim rowNum As Long, colNum As Long
' Set the range with the colored cells
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) ' Assumes the pixel art is on the first sheet
Set rng = ws.Range("A1:AN30")
' Create a dictionary to map colors to numbers
Set colorDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
colorIndex = 1
' Add a new sheet for the "Color by Number" grid
Set newWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
newWs.Name = "Color by Number Grid"
' Loop through the cells in the range
For Each cell In rng
If cell.Interior.Color <> xlNone Then
' Get the cell's background color
Dim cellColor As Long
cellColor = cell.Interior.Color
' Map the color to a number if it's not already mapped
If Not colorDict.exists(cellColor) Then
colorDict.Add cellColor, colorIndex
colorIndex = colorIndex + 1
End If
' Determine the row and column in the new sheet
rowNum = cell.Row - rng.Row + 1
colNum = cell.Column - rng.Column + 1
' Write the corresponding number to the new sheet
newWs.Cells(rowNum, colNum).Value = colorDict(cellColor)
End If
Next cell
' Output the color-to-number mapping
Dim mapRow As Long
mapRow = 1
newWs.Cells(1, rng.Columns.Count + 2).Value = "Color Mapping"
newWs.Cells(2, rng.Columns.Count + 1).Value = "Color"
newWs.Cells(2, rng.Columns.Count + 2).Value = "Number"
Dim colorKey As Variant
For Each colorKey In colorDict.Keys
newWs.Cells(mapRow + 2, rng.Columns.Count + 1).Interior.Color = colorKey
newWs.Cells(mapRow + 2, rng.Columns.Count + 2).Value = colorDict(colorKey)
mapRow = mapRow + 1
Next colorKey
MsgBox "Color by Number grid created successfully!", vbInformation
End Sub

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