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Apps Script LinkedIn Scraper
the one where we build a little utility tool

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Extract Dates and Times from LinkedIn URL
Here’s what our Apps Script will do:
copy a LinkedIn post to a cell in Google Sheets
run script from custom menu
date and time (in your time zone) is displayed in a new cell
As usual, here’s the video walkthrough:
I am a big fan of adding custom menus to make executing scripts simple.
Head into Apps Script by selecting Extensions - Apps script.
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('LinkedIn Post Date')
.addItem('Find Date', 'getDate')
We want this menu to appear when we open the spreadsheet, so we’ll wrap it up in an onOpen()
special function.
Now we need to do a lot of things:
Tear the 19 digit number out of the url
Treat it like a 64 bit decimal (because it’s encoded…of course)
Convert the time portion of that into a date object
Get the time zone we’re using
Convert that date object into our time zone
Set that date and time in the correct format in a new cell
Luckily for me, I found a similar project that did the complicated stuff on Ollie Boyd’s GitHub. I was able to modify it to suit our purposes.
Luckily for you, I won’t bore you with trying to explain the details of each of those steps.
You can make a copy of the finished spreadsheet here.
And here’s what each step of the process looks like👇
function getPostId() {
const linkedinURL= SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRangeByName('posturl').getValue()
const regex = /([0-9]{19})/;
const postId = regex.exec(linkedinURL).pop();
return postId;
function extractUnixTimestamp(postId) {
// BigInt needed as we need to treat postId as 64 bit decimal. This reduces browser support.
const asBinary = BigInt(postId).toString(2);
const first41Chars = asBinary.slice(0, 41);
const timestamp = parseInt(first41Chars, 2);
const dateObject = new Date(timestamp);
return dateObject;
function userTimeZone(){
const timezone = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSpreadsheetTimeZone()
return timezone;
//puts everything together and returns the date in our sheet
function getDate() {
const postId = getPostId();
const unixTimestamp = extractUnixTimestamp(postId);
const currentTimeZone = userTimeZone()
const thedate = Utilities.formatDate(unixTimestamp,currentTimeZone, 'MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss aa')
Wrap up
This one is a little more technical; what’d you think?
I love making little utilities like this for random projects. Hope you learned something new.
As always, if I can help out with a particular topic or project, let me know.
📨 What’s something you wish you could automate right now? (reply)
